The 3rd Annual "Princess Sophie's Holiday Ball", Girls to the Rescue!

Governor Generals Mansion,
Travis Point, New Cypress

Two Days Before the Ball
Maj Guiscard
"Governor, we have intercepted communications that there is a plot to assassinate you on the night of the ball. I suggest we cancel."

Governor General
"Good God man! After both the wife and the Princess have bought their dresses?!!!???
Can you imagine life in this house if I cancelled the Ball now?"

"I see your point Governor."

Gov Gen
"Damn straight! A bullet would be preferable. The party is on!
Smithers, more whiskey"

News Reporter
"This is KPRZ News Reporter Dominique Sockza, outside the Governor-General's Mansion covering the event of the year, Princess Sophie's Holiday Ball. 

Most of the young ladies who received one of the few highly coveted invites to this very exclusive evening are already inside. This is not the event to arrive fashionably late. As you can see heiresses Lydie and Kydie Laborde are arriving in their very stylish, brand new Hawker Tucano Aircar.
...and just moments ago , the Telebrainian delegation arrived. Even more surprisingly, the Ambassador himself was leading the way.
Never appearing at public events, the Telebrainians are notoriously reclusive. This little bit of diplomacy has to be the work of the Governess. Her charm and grace are the only things that could overcome the Gov-Gen's obviou..........well, let's just say it's lucky that we have his wife and daughter.

Security is tight, and everything looks under control for everyone to have a great time."

Inside the Mansion, in a hidden alcove, Princes Sophie meets with her friends.

Princess Sophie
"Everything is out of control.
There is an assassin somewhere among the guests."

Lydie Laborde
"We are NOT going to let that fly."

"Absolutely! The game's afoot!
If we let the security agents do this, they will cause a scene and ruin the Ball.
WE have to find this assassin."

The ladies spread out and begin to look for clues as the Governor-General and the Governess circulate among the guests.

The girls search the: 
Lounge, Hall, Study, Library, Billiards Room, Dining Room, Ball Room, and Conservatory (wink, wink)
They finally make the crucial breakthrough just before the famous actress, Miss Scarlett pulls out a Revolver in the Hall! quietly whisks her away, and Les Bons Temps Rouler!"

Here are the young ladies who attended "Princess Sophie's Annual Holiday Ball" (I know, I didn't get an invite either.)
It was an absurdly cute evening. They played a straight up game of Clue (Cluedo, for the non-'Muricans :) ). The only adjustment I made, was that I set the stage as a cooperative effort.  They had to unmask the assassin working against the clock, and the limited communication (and limited cooperation) was because they needed to maintain their cover and not give away to the bad guy / girl that they were looking for them.

...and afterward, much like the storyline, the young ladies just continued on and played with the table in their own way.
At the end of the evening, after the cupcakes (there must always be cupcakes) each one of the girls got to keep the miniature they used in the game.

It was a great night, and several of the girls want to come back over soon and play a game where "they get to blow stuff up" (OUTSTANDING!)

The Girls ; Old Glory miniatures, Civil War Civilian set 
The Hawker Tucano Aircar: Antenociti's Workshop, this re-release has a new name for Infinity, but I like the old Hawker Tucano designation
The Telebrainian Ambassador is a Bomshell Mini, Counterblast Edo Prime Leader and his bodyguards are Telebrainians from Ramshackle Games
The tea lights were an impulse buy off of Amazon. I don't remember the details.

If there was anything else I can elaborate about, just let me know.

Thanks for looking!


  1. Sounds like fun for the girls, and looks fantastic! Particularly like the building front.

    1. Thanks Preacher,
      I was going to start over and build a new front, but I think using some buildings and parts I already had worked better than my original plan.

  2. Fantastic absolutely fantastic Will, to use cludo as away of playing out the game genius pure & simple, as for the Governor-General thinking taking a bullet preferable to cancelling the ball shows just how smart the man running sector-six is.

    The set up was as always with yourself first class, I really loved the big candles so pomp & over the top as befitting such a grand occasion, as for the little princesses good to see them all having a good time & wanting to come back, well done mate.

    1. Thanks Frank,
      As I was setting it up on the table, I saw the box of LED candles on the kitchen counter and just went to town.

      I wanted to run a Pulp Alley game, and even tested a scenario with my kids, but the younger age and inexperience had us go to "Plan B" with Clue.

  3. Looks and reads as a very charming evening.

  4. Kudos!

    I must somehow acquire an invitation to next year's Ball. It seems it's simply THE event of the season. :)


    1. Hi Jeff,
      My daughter has already made the suggestion that we invite fellow bloggers to send a model or two to attend next years ball. (To be returned of course)
      We did this on a small scale last year (see the "Secret War Campaign" in the post labels on the right). Maybe....

    2. Great,
      I'll have to start the planning earlier next year, but I think we're moving that way.

    3. If anyone ever finds away out of Tricol Will I can see there been a cat fight in Governor Montague Jardine house hold for a ticket for this lol

    4. Now there's an idea for a scenario!

  5. Great looking table! Sure the girls had a blast!

    1. Yes they did.
      The Governess herself, NOT a gamer, said the event vastly exceeded her expectations.

  6. Niceley done. Looks a super game

    I have often thought of some sort of cluedo type game set in Wittenberg palace - I must away and make plans

    Very enjoyable blog - will have to have a good delve into previous posts

    1. Hi Allan,
      Thanks for stopping by. There are many parts of this blog inspired by ideas I found in your blog on the "Kingdom of Wittenberg". Most particularly, these Holiday events, and the Secret War Campasign I mentioned earlier, where Cheetor and I swapped models back and forth to run a cross blog storyline.
      All credit to you. Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. Oh, sir! The display is absolutely amazing; the minis, the ambientation, everything is superb! Great to see you are subrepticiously introducing this world to the new generations :D

    1. Thanks, it was great to watch the girls (and parents) who really didn't get what they had been invited to, suddenly have the lightbulb go on. When it clicked, it really clicked.

  8. Positively delightful! Well played sir! And if you need a variation on the theme for next years ball, may I suggest a similar game called "Kill Doctor Lucky"? Think of it as a prequel. (To win you must be the player that does the deed. There are rooms, weapons, and so forth, much like Clue. And there is a hand of cards that provide the good doctor's luck, so that you can prevent other players from beating you, as well as weapons and means of attack and so forth. You must be in a room alone with the doctor, with a locationally appropriate means, and out of sight of all other players. And of course the doctor must be out of luck.)

    Absolutely lovely! I may have to knick this idea myself if my niece isn't too old to play such games yet.

    1. We own Dr. Lucky, and that is definitely a possibility for next year. My first instinct is usually toward Pulp Alley, but now you have the wheels turning. Thanks for the suggestion!

    2. Oh, you and Cheetor sold me my copy of Pulp Alley. I'm on board with that. But for an occasional change of pace . . .

  9. What a great idea. I hope the Girls had fun.


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