The B Team

Governor General’s Office
Travis Point, New Cypress
Kingdom of Colores

Governor General Andres
So, General, this mining colony on Tfuncte. Apparently, there is a problem with Pirates.

General Jonah Stanislaw
Yes, Governor, there have been several attempted raids.

Well, the Major and Eight Ball are on leave, do we have anyone else?

I believe so. There is a team led by a... (shuffles papers), Lieutenant Seveda.
They look promising.
They don’t have the same experience, but they pack some serious firepower.

Right, well, let’s give them a go… Option B, as it were

Ah, “The B Team”, simply smashing…has a nice ring to it Governor

Quite, “the B Team” it is then…

Hello Readers,

The minis are built from several sources:
- Torsos and Legs are Necromunda Van Saar
- Helmet Headswaps are Puppets War
- Breathing Masks are from Victoria Miniatures
- the backpack and magazine fed Hotshot Volley Guns are from the GW Scions sprue
- the Power Pick-Axe is from the GW Cultist sprues

I've played a few games with them, and in the spirit of  "Stillmania", I plan on adding a Comms and a Breacher Specialist to stabilize the list. I guess I need a "Medic" as well.... hmmmm

Seveda will be built out as a "Commander" once the supplement hits, and I'll have to convert a new "Leader".

Thanks for looking...


  1. They look pretty bad ass , nice work!

    1. Thanks. I originally went with the Victoria Minis heads, but I like the helmets much better.

  2. Ooohh, nice, they look up to the task!

    1. I'm planning a campaign for them to take on "the Skorpions". Should be fun.

  3. They look smashing Will & whats not to like about a guy with a power pick-axe :)

    1. I like that pick axe a lot, but imagine after it punches a hole in power armor it's going to get stuck.

      Hopefully, the victim won't have a buddy nearby :)

  4. Nice use of the Van Saar bods. The helmets give a real Halo look to the squad. It just occurred to me yesterday that I should do my Diehard Eru-Kin for Kill Team.

    1. Yes, yes you should!
      Did you see Diehard's new KS? They are expaning the Erukin Sci-Fi with one lizard in big ass Power Armor. He's awesome

  5. If you're in trouble and can't find another team to help, maybe you can hire.....the B time.
    "I love it when a second string contract comes together".

  6. YES!
    I was waiting for a Hannibal reference!


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