Flight Trials for the Marauder Destroyer

Just a beauty shot of my friend Nathan's awesome Forgeworld  model (with escorts)...

The Kingdom of Colores may have to ask the Treasury Minister if we can afford one. :)


  1. Almost makes me regret getting out of 25s for 15s in Sci-fi I'll just have to take solace in the large order from GZGs that came in today....the pile grows! lol Very nice work on those warbirds none the less!

  2. Thanks Don,
    Great to hear from you.
    GZG does great stuff. I am green with envy.

  3. It's a lovely model alright Will but also a lovely price tag but if the Minister approves it then why not mate lol

    1. I think I may have found another solution ;)

    2. Soon to be revealed!
      Next Post there will be a "Recon Flight"

  4. Sometimes compromise is necessary. If domestic industry can produce something of comparable quality at a lower price than the fancy foreign imports that does tend to make the Finance Ministers happier. (Our own Minister, over on the Tartarus Rim, has been a bit edgy lately, so you have my sympathy. Sometimes the life of a War Department confronted with domestic necessity is challenging.)

    1. The never ending tug of war between food or weapons. :)


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